
We can reach the right solution by acting together.
A useful tip can link more resources, in a much shorter period of time and with lower costs. D&B David and Baias offers you its team so that together we can find the best solutions.


For those who want to “taste” the standard of a high performance law firm, D&B David and Baias is the right team. As a student, you can adjust to the true standard of quality in offering law services by sending a resume (CV) and cover letter to the e-mail address:

Recent graduates

For those who want to practice from the outset in a team linked by common values working on important projects and delivering services at a western standard, we welcome you among us even if just for a simple interview with our best professional in the field.

Experienced lawyers

The success of a lawyer’s career is directly connected with the team they are part of and the quality of the client they serve. If you are interested in a job in our team, we will keep you informed regarding our hiring intentions. A powerful team requires performance.